“What star sign are you?” It’s a popular discussion topic, a daily routine to read yours or other’s horoscopes. When you hear descriptions of your star sign, are they accurate? Or do you disregard the often generic explanation that love may or may not be coming your way whilst financial decisions are at the forefront of ‘some’ area of your life etc…?
More than just your sun sign
When it comes to understanding horoscopes, many people don’t research beyond the interpretation of their sun sign which is commonly referred to as ‘Star sign’ or ‘Zodiac sign’, e.g. Pisces, Leo or Virgo. However, your astrological chart involves the position of the Sun, Moon and planets at the time of your birth. The complete picture gives us a much more comprehensive insight into our traits and tendencies. The term ‘horoscope’ is derived from the Greek term ‘hora’ meaning “hour, time,” and ‘skopos’ meaning “observer”.
Either way, whether you admit it or not, many people get a kick from reading their horoscopes. There’s another tradition for self analysis that can be just as interesting and that’s Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians.
What are meridians?
As explained in other Holistic by Nature articles, there are 14 major meridians or flows of an energy substance (you may have heard of Qi/Ch’i which sustains life) with 12 of them sitting within the 24 hour clock. All are constantly flowing with energy from our environment, penetrating our bodies through our skin. These portals on the skin are what acupuncture and acupressure use. Each has a two hour period where they’re the primary meridian. Each meridian is linked to particular parts of the body, mechanisms of the body, other meridians, thoughts and emotions, colour, sound, seasons and other spiritual concepts. They are also partnered together as Yin (receiving energy) and Yang (expressing energy) of an element – Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, and Fire.
Meridians are insight into our physical, emotional & spiritual characteristics
Given then, that meridians are each dominant for a two hour period, the time that you were born was influenced by a particular meridian. While aspects of meridians or horoscopes don’t define us, they can certainly shed light on particular tendencies we have.
Your turn – find out which meridian is your birth meridian!
Subscribe above to Holistic by Nature to be the first to hear about the upcoming release of Your Bedside Guide to ‘Birth Meridians’.
To have a look at the Meridian Clock, read “Why You Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night (Part 1)”.
Articles and content by Kate Pamphilon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
I was born February 9, 1982 at 11.52 pm in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. My Sun sign is Aquarius. My rising sign is Libra.
Thank you,
T M Hiscock
6/12/1964 about 3:15 am
I came into the world at 3:25p.m. 11/06/1986 in New York, NY at Mount Sinai Hospital. My star sign is Scorpio and my rising sign is Capricorn.
I am a gemini but ive been told i am on the cusp with cancer and its cancer that quite often sounds more like me
12/27/1969 at 3:45pm in Toronto Canada.